Odoo Environment Management#

Installing Odoo#

Installing odoo is possible through the command manage setup. Here’s a minimal example:

odootools manage setup 15.0

It will install by default from the repository https://github.com/odoo/odoo and use the latest commit of the branch 15.0.

If you want to use a more specific version. It’s possible to define other parameters.





A git ref that points to a commit, branch or tag.


An alternative repository, it could point to a custom repository like https://github.com/oca/ocb


Tell which release to use based on the release stored in https://nightly.odoo.com/

Optimizing your installation#

By default, Odoo will get installed with all localization files. Unfortunately, these files can consume a lot of space and make docker images much larger than they need.

In that case, if you know that you won’t need more than certain languages, it’s possible to tell odoo to keep only certain locales with the --languages parameter.

oodotools manage setup --languages fr_CA,en_US 15.0

Searching available odoo modules#

When configuring your environment, it is possible to alter the automatically discovered addons_path. In that case, the modules that can be found can go beyond the odoo installation itself.

There are multiple odootools module subcommands that can be used to know what’s installed in your environment.

Sometimes, it’s impossible to install some modules because odoo doesn’t seem to be able to find them. With odoo-tools, you can find the modules and where they are located. Sometimes, you may end up with 2 modules with the same name but in different directory. Odoo will not always load the correct module. But odoo-tools will be able to find both modules and then you’ll be ale to either rename a module or remove the module that you don’t need.

The deps subcommand let you find dependencies that would get installed while trying to install a module. If some dependencies are missing, you’ll be able to find out about it before attempting to install it.

# --auto will be able to pull sale_stock from dependencies
odootools module deps -m website -m sale --auto

Here’s a preview of what you can do:

Starting an Odoo interactive shell#

You can start an interactive shell that uses ptpython to access your databases.

odootools shell -d test_database