Source code for odoo_tools.env

Environment Variables
from os import environ
from pathlib import Path
from .utils import obj_set, to_csv, from_bool, to_bool

[docs]class EnvironmentVariable(property): def __init__( self, serializer=None, deserializer=None, alternate_names=None, default=None, **kwargs ): super().__init__() self.__name = None self.serializer = serializer self.deserializer = deserializer self.default = default self.alternate_names = alternate_names or [] def __set_name__(self, owner, name): self.__name = name def __get__(self, owner, klass): for name in [self.__name] + self.alternate_names: try: value = environ[name] if self.deserializer: value = self.deserializer(value) break except KeyError: pass else: if callable(self.default): value = self.default() else: value = self.default return value def __set__(self, owner, value): if self.serializer: serialized_value = self.serializer(value) environ[self.__name] = serialized_value else: environ[self.__name] = value
[docs]class StoredEnv(EnvironmentVariable): def __init__(self, readonly=False, **kwargs): if readonly is not False: kwargs['readonly'] = readonly super().__init__(**kwargs) self.__name = None self.__readonly = readonly def __set_name__(self, owner, name): super().__set_name__(owner, name) owner.__fields__.add(name) self.__name = name def __get__(self, owner, klass): try: return owner._values[self.__name] except KeyError: value = super().__get__(owner, klass) owner._values[self.__name] = value return value def __set__(self, owner, value): if not self.__readonly: super().__set__(owner, value) owner._values[self.__name] = value
[docs]class StoredSetEnv(StoredEnv): serializer = to_csv(',') def __init__(self, item_type=None, **kwargs): kwargs['serializer'] = StoredSetEnv.serializer kwargs['deserializer'] = obj_set(',', set, item_type) super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class StoredBoolEnv(StoredEnv): deserializer = to_bool serializer = from_bool def __init__(self, **kwargs): kwargs['serializer'] = StoredBoolEnv.serializer kwargs['deserializer'] = StoredBoolEnv.deserializer super().__init__(**kwargs)
[docs]class EnvironmentVariables(object): """ EnvironmentVariables parser """ __fields__ = set() ":Set<str>: Set of fields added to the class" # The base path where odoo is installed ODOO_BASE_PATH = StoredEnv() ":str: The base path where odoo is installed" ODOO_RC = StoredEnv() ":str: Location of the odoo.cfg file" ODOO_STRICT_MODE = StoredBoolEnv(default=True) """ :bool: Run odoo in Strict Mode (Default: True) """ ODOO_EXCLUDED_PATHS = StoredSetEnv(item_type=Path, default=set) """ :Set<Path>: Excluded paths will not be looked into when searching modules. Items are defined as csv values in environment variables. """ ODOO_EXTRA_PATHS = StoredSetEnv(item_type=Path, default=set) """ :Set<Path>: Extra paths are paths to look for modules other than the default ones. Items are defined as csv values in environment variables. """ ODOO_EXTRA_APT_PACKAGES = StoredSetEnv( item_type=str, alternate_names=['EXTRA_APT_PACKAGES'], default=set ) """ :Set<Str> Extra apt packages to install other than the one introspected in modules. Items are defined as csv values in environment variables. """ ODOO_DISABLED_MODULES = StoredSetEnv(item_type=str, default=set) """ :Set<str>: Odoo modules that shouldn't exist. Those would get removed from the addons paths. Items are defined as csv values in environment variables. """ MASTER_PASSWORD = StoredEnv() """ :str: Master password that should be set instead of the default one being automatically generated randomly. """ SHOW_MASTER_PASSWORD = StoredEnv() ":bool: Log the master password in the logs." SKIP_PIP = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :bool: Skip the installation of pip modules. (Default: False) """ SKIP_SUDO_ENTRYPOINT = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :bool: Skip the sudo entrypoint. The entry point is used mainly to setup things that require higher access like installing apt packages. (Default: False) """ SKIP_POSTGRES_WAIT = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :bool: Tells to skip waiting for postgress to be up and running (Default: False) """ ALLOW_DANGEROUS_SETTINGS = StoredBoolEnv( alternate_names=[ 'I_KNOW_WHAT_IM_DOING', ], default=False ) """ :bool: This environment variables allows it to set the PGPASSWORD in the environment variables. Otherwise, the entrypoint will fail to let odoo starts unless you specify this environment variable as TRUE. The reason behind that is that it's generally not a good idea to set credentials in environment variables. Those values can be leaked easily in logs from the environment running the container or even in logs displaying environment variables anywhere. This should only be used in dev environment or test environment in which credentials are not that important. """ DEPLOYMENT_AREA = StoredEnv() """ :str: Deployment Area is just an environment variable that can be set to determine if it's a production environment or test environment. """ ODOO_VERSION = StoredEnv() ":str: The odoo version being currently used." RESET_ACCESS_RIGHTS = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :bool: Reset access rights ensure that files in the home directory of the odoo user is set to the right user. This shouldn't be necessary in most cases. (Default: False) """ APT_INSTALL_RECOMMENDS = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :bool: Define if you want the sudo_entrypoint to call apt-get with --no-install-recommends. By default, the entrypoint will use --no-install-recommends, but if this environment variable is set to TRUE. It will not add this parameter to apt-get install. (Default: False) """ ODOO_REQUIREMENTS_FILE = StoredEnv() """ :str: The path in which requirements get stored during installation of pip packages required by odoo addons. """ USE_ODOO_LOGGER = StoredBoolEnv(default=False) """ :str: Tell the app to initialize the odoo logger instead of using the default one. (Default: False) """ PACKAGE_MAP_FILE = StoredEnv() """ :str: File storing a map of :code:`{module_name: module_renamed}` to rename modules that shouldn't be used as is. """ REQUIREMENTS_FILE_PATH = StoredEnv() """ :str: Path of the requirement file to be saved. (Default: None) """ def __init__(self): self._values = {}
[docs] @classmethod def fields(cls): for attr in cls.__fields__: yield attr
[docs] def values(self): return { field: getattr(self, field) for field in self.fields() }