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The module search regroup a series of functions used to search
modules and handle their dependencies. This collection of functions,
can be used to determine which folder contains installable modules
and it can also be used to predetermine which module would require
to be installed if a given module was installed.
import logging

from odoo_tools.compat import Path, module_path
from ..api.objects import Manifest

import pkg_resources

_logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def filter_installable(manifest): """ Filter for installable modules """ return manifest.installable
[docs]def filter_noninstallable(manifest): """ Filter for not installable modules. This is mainly the opposite of `filter_installable`. """ return not filter_installable(manifest)
[docs]def filter_python_dependencies(manifest): """ Filter modules with python dependencies. """ if ( manifest.external_dependencies and manifest.external_dependencies.get('python') ): return True else: return False
[docs]def get_filter(filter_names): """ Returns a filter function with the provided filter names. If all filter function returns True, then the object will not get filtered out of the set/list. For example, a filter of installable, python_dependencies on a list of manifests will return all manifests that are installable and that have python dependencies. Args: filter_names (Set(str)): Set of filter names. Returns: Boolean: if the manifest validates the current set of filters. """ if not filter_names: return lambda module: True filters = [] if 'installable' in filter_names: filters.append(filter_installable) if 'non_installable' in filter_names: filters.append(filter_noninstallable) if 'python_dependencies' in filter_names: filters.append(filter_python_dependencies) def filter_module(manifest): return all([check(manifest) for check in filters]) return filter_module
[docs]def fast_search_manifests(path): """ Quickly search into directoy for manifest files. In order to speed up the search recursively, it will stop search in folders that have one of the possible manifest name. It doesn't loop through all files in the directory. Instead it checks for manifest files then if none are found, it will lookup for folders to look into. All other files are skipped. Then the cycle repeats, until it finds a manifest or there are no more folders to search into. Args: path (Path): Path in which the manifest lookup occurs. Returns: list(Path): List of manifests paths. """ filenames = ['', ''] found_paths = [] blacklist = ['setup', '.git'] for manifest in filenames: manifest_path = path / manifest if manifest_path.exists(): return [manifest_path] dirs_to_search = [] if path.exists(): for cpath in path.iterdir(): if in blacklist: continue if cpath.is_dir(): dirs_to_search.append(cpath) continue # Never used because tested before looking up into dir # if in filenames: # found_paths.append(cpath) # return else: for cpath in dirs_to_search: found_paths += fast_search_manifests(cpath) return found_paths
[docs]def find_modules(path, filters=None): """ Search for manifests recursively in a specified folder. Each Path is then converted to a Manifest object. Args: path (Path): Path in which the manifest lookup occurs. filters (Set(str)): Set of filters to ignore some manifests. Returns: list(Manifest): A list of valid manifests. """ modules = set() path = Path.cwd() / path path = path.resolve() manifest_globs = fast_search_manifests(path) check_module = get_filter(filters) for path in manifest_globs: manifest = Manifest.from_path(path) if not check_module(manifest): continue modules.add(manifest) return modules
[docs]def find_modules_paths(paths, filters=None, options=None): """ Search modules in multiple paths. This can be used to search for odoo modules in different addons paths. For example, you'd want to discover all odoo modules installed in your environment. Args: paths (list(Path)): list of Path in which the manifest lookup occurs. filters (Set(str)): Set of filters to ignore some manifests. options (object): Object with a flag to exclude core odoo addons. Returns: list(Manifest): All manifests in all the paths provided. """ modules = set() if options and not options.exclude_odoo: odoo_path = base_addons_path() if odoo_path: paths.add(odoo_path) for path in paths: modules = modules.union( find_modules(Path(path), filters=filters) ) return modules
[docs]def get_manifest(manifest, render_description=False): """ Shortcut to get a manifest from path. # TODO maybe this should be deprecated now. """ return Manifest.from_path(manifest, render_description)
[docs]def build_module_dependencies( modules, modules_lst=False, deps=None, quiet=True ): """ Generate dependencies of each modules passed in this function. When all modules data is loaded, it is then possible to generate a graph of all the modules and their dependencies. This graph then can be used in a topological sort to guess in which correct order the modules should be installed. Based on the dependencies, it's also possible to guess which modules are required by one other module and find which modules are missing. Args: modules (list(Manifest)): List of manifest to use for dependencies modules_lst (list(Manifest)): List of manifest to build dependencies for. deps (dict): Initial dependencies quiet (bool): Silence missing modules when they're not present in the module set. Returns: dict: A dictionary of {module: [dep,..], ...} of the current set. """ if deps is None: deps = {} to_process = modules_lst or [] while len(to_process) > 0: cur_module = to_process.pop() if cur_module not in modules: continue dependencies = modules[cur_module].depends deps[cur_module] = set(dependencies) for dep in dependencies: if dep not in deps: to_process.append(dep) if not quiet and dep not in modules: print(( "Module {cur_module} depends on {dep} " "which isn't in addons_path" ).format(cur_module=cur_module, dep=dep)) return deps
[docs]def build_dependencies( modules, modules_lst, lookup_auto_install=True, deps=None, quiet=True ): """ Build dependencies with auto installable modules. It's more or less the same as build_module_dependencies, but it goes a step further by injecting auto dependent modules that have all their dependencies in the dependencies looked up first. This by itself makes it possible to guess the modules that would need to be installed given the current addons path and specified modules that needs to be checked. For example, if you wanted to check for the modules_lst = ['sale', 'stock'] It would first pull all the dependencies of the module sale, then it would pull all the dependencies of the module stock. Then it would lookup for all modules that are auto installable. If all of their dependencies are in the pulled dependencies. They'd get pulled into the dependencies. Then it would check again for auto installable modules if any new dependency can pull more auto installable modules. Unfortunately, it's not possible to have 100% guarantee that you'll get the exact same module set as in odoo. There is a guarantee that all the modules found will be installed. But odoo can request more modules to be installed as the account module that trigger some extra modules to be installed at init time. Args: modules (list(Manifest)): List of all modules available modules_lst (list(Manifest)): List of manifest you want to find their dependencies lookup_auto_install (bool): Lookup for auto installable modules. deps (dict): List of already known dependencies quiet (bool): Silence missing dependencies logs Returns: dict: dict of dependencies of the format {module: [dep1,...], ...} """ deps = build_module_dependencies( modules, modules_lst, deps=deps, quiet=quiet ) if not lookup_auto_install: return deps old_deps_length = 0 while len(deps) != old_deps_length: old_deps_length = len(deps) to_install = [] for name, module in modules.items(): if not module.auto_install or name in deps: continue module_deps = module.depends for dep in module_deps: if dep not in deps: break else: if len(module_deps) > 0: to_install.append(name) deps = build_module_dependencies( modules, to_install, deps=deps, quiet=quiet ) return deps
[docs]def base_addons_path(): """ Find the path of odoo itself. Returns: Path: Location where odoo is installed. """ odoo_path = ( module_path("odoo", raise_not_found=False) or module_path("openerp", raise_not_found=False) ) return odoo_path
[docs]def find_addons_paths(paths, options=False): """ Find addons in provided paths. Args: paths (List<Path>): A list of paths to search for addons. Returns: Set<Manifest>: A list of manifests """ filters = set() filters.add('installable') if options and not options.exclude_odoo: odoo_path = base_addons_path() if odoo_path: paths.add(odoo_path) if options and options.include_odoo_entrypoints: entry_point = "odoo_addons_paths" for ep in pkg_resources.iter_entry_points(group=entry_point): functor = ep.load() new_paths = functor() if new_paths: paths |= new_paths modules = find_modules_paths( paths, filters=filters ) found_paths = set() for manifest in modules: found_paths.add(manifest.path.parent) return found_paths