Source code for odoo_tools.utils


This module contain a collection of utilities. It needs to be refactored
into submodules based on their purpose. The state of this module is a mix
of legacy code that needs to be properly sorted or removed.
import string
import random
import configparser
from pathlib import Path
from configparser import _UNSET
from .utilities.config import parse_value

[docs]def to_csv(delimiter=','): """ Convert a iterable of items into a csv of their string representation. Args: delimiter (:obj:`str`): A string to be used as a value delimiter. Returns: :obj:`Fn(Iter<Any>)`: A callable returning a csv value from an iterable. """ def serializer(value): return delimiter.join([ str(elem) for elem in value ]) return serializer
[docs]def from_bool(value): """ Convert a bool into a string value. Args: value (:obj:`bool`): A boolean like value. Returns: :obj:`bool`: A text representation of a boolean value. """ return str(bool(value))
[docs]def to_bool(value): """ Convert a string into a bool value. The value will be true if its a text representation that is a caseless version of 'true'. Any other value will be False. Args: value (:obj:`str`): A text representation of a boolean. The value must be true to be true. Any other value will be interpreted as False. Returns: :obj:`bool`: A True or False representation of the text input. """ if value: return value.lower() == 'true' else: return False
[docs]def obj_set(delimiter=',', container=list, item_type=str): """ Convert a CSV value into a set of values. Args: delimiter (str): the delimiter of the CSV value. container (callable): The type of the container of the set. Defaults to :obj:`list`. item_type (callable): The type of the value to be mapped to. Defaults to :obj:`str`. Returns: container<item_type>: The mapped value of the csv. """ def deserializer(value): value = value or '' items = value.split(delimiter) value = [ item_type(item.strip()) for item in items if item.strip() ] return container(value) return deserializer
[docs]def to_path_list(paths): return [ Path(path) for path in paths ]
[docs]def is_subdir_of(path1, path2): try: path2.relative_to(path1) except ValueError: return False else: return True
[docs]def filter_excluded_paths(paths, excluded_paths): res_paths = [] for vpath in paths: cur_path = Path(vpath) for ex_path in excluded_paths: if is_subdir_of(ex_path, cur_path): break else: res_paths.append(vpath) return res_paths
[docs]def convert_env_value(name, value): if value in ['True', 'False']: return value == 'True' return value
[docs]def random_string(stringLength=10): """ Generate a random string of fixed length. Args: stringLength (int): The length of the string to be generated. Defaults to 10. """ letters = string.ascii_lowercase return ''.join(random.choice(letters) for i in range(stringLength))
[docs]class ConfigParser(configparser.RawConfigParser): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
[docs] def get(self, section, option, *, raw=False, vars=None, fallback=_UNSET): """ Gets a value from a section. """ if ( ( section not in self._sections or option not in self._sections[section] ) and self._defaults and option in self._defaults ): return parse_value(self._defaults[option]) else: return super().get( section, option, raw=raw, vars=vars, fallback=fallback )
[docs] def set(self, section, option, value=None): if section not in self: self.add_section(section) if ( section == 'options' and self._defaults and option in self._defaults and parse_value(self._defaults[option]) == parse_value(value) ): return return super(ConfigParser, self).set(section, option, value)
[docs] def set_defaults(self, defaults): self._defaults = defaults
[docs]class ProtectedDict(dict): def __init__(self, protected_values): self.protected_values = protected_values super(ProtectedDict, self).__init__( **protected_values ) def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self.protected_values: return super(ProtectedDict, self).__setitem__(key, value)